
This blog was made in mind for the women who had been or is currently....... baffled, amused, bewildered, confused, afraid, helpless, emotionally unsure, shy, surprised, curious or disturbed by the way men act or react around them. Whether they have already entered into your life as your boyfriend, a casual friend, your husband.....or even when, out of nowhere, a guy you hardly know happens to be suspected of nursing a crush/infatuation/emotional or sexual attraction on a certain woman that has caught his attention. You.

You may not find the all the answers to discern or to make the prudent choice to act when it comes to facing the man who's "crushing" out the life out of you, who's unbelievably impossible at times or totally getting on your nerves.... but stick around a little more here.......maybe you'll find something i've written that would help you and can apply to your unique "crushing" situation of yours.

Feel the need to give feedback, say something, or ask some sensitive questions you wouldn't dare ask anyone ? Email me at: Crushedwithacrush@hotmail.com. I'd like to be honest with my perspectives and answers as a man.

**** Crushed!'s Blog Disclaimer can be found at the bottom of this blog. ****


Friday, May 29, 2009

The "Strong, Silent" Man (The "Shy" man - Part 1)

There are many reasons a man would subscribe to excuse themselves from communicating often with women, also with their peers in the context of general socialization. In my previous three part article, the "Prudent" man does so for very........... prudent reasons. He just knows his place and speaks when it is needed to.

For this article, we would look at the man who is supposedly "Shy".

The concept of the shy man, can be dissected into these personal traits, it may or may not apply to all "Shy" men, but in most cases it does (Note that this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Introverted (Usually a trait that some individuals possess, and show the skill of high concentration.)
  • Inarticulate (The lack of the skill when it comes to expressing his emotions into words makes him more lonely than ever.)
  • Close minded (Unaccepting towards other foreign social influences. Men who possess this trait have very small comfort zones. May be uninviting to people.)
  • Not confident (Unable to believe that he possesses the charisma to win over people. Or overcome difficulty or challenges.)
  • Troubled (Men shut themselves out when dealing with personal problems, for the case of the "Shy" man, it usually is emotional problems or personal difficulties in life that have made a significant negative impact.)
  • Untrusting towards people (Usually strangers get the cold shoulder, may be caused by past emotional hurts or social complications that he may have experienced.)
  • Driven (An uncommon trait. Men who possess this trait may forgo most or almost every aspect of his social life to achieve a personal goal or achievement, or live out an ideal. Some of them are idealistic. May not be entirely "Shy".)
  • Self assured (Having being content with all he has in his life, he finds little reason to convey and communicate with others. Men who possess this trait might possess at least an above average amount of pride. May have a superiority complex.)
  • Controlled (Often a product of being nutured at a young age to restrain one's self. It can be also freely chosen by the individual to control his otherwise naturally abrasive personality. And avoid undesirable social circumstances. May be conservative in personality, ethics or morals.)
  • Little or no empathy (The lack of empathy in a "Shy" man means that he would find it hard to relate to others, let alone communicate in a amiable manner. Or maybe even communicate at all.)
  • Jaded or Knowledgable (Having seen and experienced everthing in his own perspective, the "Shy" man often retreats away into self contemplation. Often does not care about how people would think of him.)
  • Disillusional (The "Shy" man might reject reality and live accordingly the way he wants, on his own terms. Some men who possess this trait are idealists.)
Stay tuned for part 2. I will try to piece together the traits......... and see the "Shy" man for who he is.


R V said...

Thanks for sharing this information. I at least know now why I fail to communicate with women as nicely as I can with my male friends.

Anonymous said...

My Hubby is very shy which I find quite cute. I prefer shy to macho.