
This blog was made in mind for the women who had been or is currently....... baffled, amused, bewildered, confused, afraid, helpless, emotionally unsure, shy, surprised, curious or disturbed by the way men act or react around them. Whether they have already entered into your life as your boyfriend, a casual friend, your husband.....or even when, out of nowhere, a guy you hardly know happens to be suspected of nursing a crush/infatuation/emotional or sexual attraction on a certain woman that has caught his attention. You.

You may not find the all the answers to discern or to make the prudent choice to act when it comes to facing the man who's "crushing" out the life out of you, who's unbelievably impossible at times or totally getting on your nerves.... but stick around a little more here.......maybe you'll find something i've written that would help you and can apply to your unique "crushing" situation of yours.

Feel the need to give feedback, say something, or ask some sensitive questions you wouldn't dare ask anyone ? Email me at: Crushedwithacrush@hotmail.com. I'd like to be honest with my perspectives and answers as a man.

**** Crushed!'s Blog Disclaimer can be found at the bottom of this blog. ****


Thursday, June 04, 2009

The "Strong, Silent" Man (The "Shy" man - Part 2)

When it comes to women, most "shy" men are at a disadvantage in fully communicating honestly with them. Because chances are, most "shy" men know somehow at instinct that women can be very complicated, volatile and situationally difficult. 

Or at least, giving the benefit of the doubt, they give themselves those excuses to "shy" away from situations which will put them to the test.

This knowledge can be obtained either through assumption, personal experience, deductive reasoning, testimonials from other men and other sources.

A variety of reasons for their behavior are many, as described in my previous post. Most "shy" men are not emotionally prepared for dealing with their own reactions towards women. They might fear they might be derailed, their stability of their emotions messed up, and they would have to clean up their own wreckage.

It is always about reactions when it comes to the "shy" man. Nothing happens to him inside when nothing ever happens.

How could a man like him be dealt with ? Or even be approached without him flustering ?

If a man like him has to be dealt with, the process of getting him to be comfortable with anyone is to slowly blend into his comfort zone. But to find out what exactly itches him or forces him to be defensive can be a challenge.

You may be surprised yet, he may possess some imperfections, dirty little secrets, past deeds he hardly is ever proud of, personal flaws that he would prefer to be kept in a locked closet. And it is things like that, which really makes a man question his own worth in a woman's eyes.

Men can be "shy" for many dfferent reasons. It can be a combination of many factors, some of them listed in my previous post, personal circumstances and difficulties which would hinder their approach to others.

And that is where you come in, perhaps the whole key to unlocking our defenses is really your empathy and understanding. 

1 comment:

nothing profound said...

An unusual project. A man trying to explain men to women. How did you come to undertake it? Enjoy your comments during discussions. There's a certain solemn (almost morose) honesty about them.